Tuesday, May 24, 2016

sometime being small doesnt means its make u weak!!

Ada masanya menjadi kecik tak bermaksud kita lemah,being  the underdog that doesn't means we gonna loose,instead it will make you much more brave and ingenious, this is  what can i learn on this short documentary made by my friend, the documentary about the owner of phone parts and accessories shop known as Kedai Ustaz. I have heard about it before on how the price it offers on items are much lower compared to other places.yet still I don’t have the opportunity to visit it until recently when it have open one more branch at Busana Mara just next to KLMU so since I need new ear plug I wait no more. And indeed satisfactory is mine.the price is very cheap that Instead buying only one, I end up buy two of it.(the other one is for my sunbae that coincidently there and also looking for the same thing,well it always a good thing to be nice to your senior.right?.. 

I love the parts where the owner highlight, it is better to growth your company without doing any loan.indeed some time without big capital the growth might not be too fast or significant but to be slow,steady and sustainable was one of the best ways to be in business right?? Thanks to Mr Hafiz a media student from #KLMUC to bring us simple yet very enlighten documentary!!

btw:I just finish my dip in Fashion at  KLMUC gonna share about the experience study there later!!

                                                 my amateur design for my FD3!!

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