Sunday, March 4, 2018

pilihanraya 2018 Malaysia choose to be in FASHION!!!

So the election day is just around the corner I think......, dah nampak how busy and lively the atmosphere guys don't make the same mistake like our friend in some country did.choose wisely will ya.well I still looking for job right now.wish me luck about that.!!btw I did some playing with the photoshop with this election theme.the illustration is not mine and the credit goes to all  very talented illustrator.I hope one day I can be like one of them.

recently going out with my aunty for lunch.Makan di sebuah bakery call #Levain. very beautiful and gorgeous place to go.the price is not that expensive and the food is so marvelous!!sangat recommend for you guys to try visiting that place!!!kedai kek levain

p/s :btw I heard #astromalaysia did a new reality tv Fashion show call #GenF together with #fashionvalet miss vivy yusof as the judges.of that show .can wait to learn a new thing from it.wish da best for all the designer.

#levain #pilihanrayamalaysia2018  #pilihanraya  #GenFastro #GenF #vivyyusof #fashionvalet #astroawani #fashionillustration #naqimerah

isu tiru meniru dalam dunia fesyen

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